Tiana’s Beignets with Hellotsuki

If you know our web designer, Allison, a.k.a. Hellotsuki, you know she loooooooves cooking. And if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of one of her delicious treats or meals, you know she’s damn good at it! Back in September, she tackled the task of making Tiana’s beignets (from Princess and the Frog) for a new series on her YouTube channel called The Disney Dish. Watch the delicious video here:

We got a very small crew together to create this fun video - Allison as talent, me as the cinematographer, and our friend Kaela helped us by filming some behind the scenes footage (in exchange for a batch of tasty beignets of course). With so much delicious footage, we also created a little blooper reel/BTS video. Check it out to catch a glimpse of what it’s really like working with the MediYumm crew 😂

And of course, if you follow us on Instagram, you already saw the Instagram Promo video we put together. But it you didn’t catch it, here is the little stinger we made to promote this video on our social media channels:

Allison and I truly love what we do and even on our days off, you can still find us working together, creating together, and hanging out! It’s not just business for us, we are truly dedicated to and passionate about what we do. Ok, time for another beignet. 

Tiana Beignets.gif

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